Download curse of the blair witch for free
Download curse of the blair witch for free

download curse of the blair witch for free

What doesn't work so well are a few of the interviews and especially the stuff from a 70s TV show. I thought the best aspect was the backstory on the legend of the Blair Witch as it managed to be quite creepy and the story itself is just so well told that you can't help but get caught up in it. I thought there were some good stories here and the most important thing is that it actually built up interest in the film and that still rings true when viewed today. With that said, you still have to give this fake documentary credit for at least making up a good story to play along side the actual film. I must admit that this feature was a lot more effective back when it was originally released but watching it all these years later at least kept me entertained due in large part to nostalgia.

download curse of the blair witch for free

This "footage" was released into theaters as THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, which of course became a huge hit. This documentary build up the "legend" of the Blair Witch and also made people think that three filmmakers went into the woods to do a documentary on it and disappeared only to have their footage found later. Curse of the Blair Witch (1999) *** (out of 4) This is the TV special, which ended up leading to one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.

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